
This is my first attempt at a blog novel. I started writing the novel a few years ago but only got about 10000 words before I stopped writing. Now, I've picked it back up and decided to try a blog format so that I can get feedback and have incentive to finish it. So please comment as it is the best way for me to get a sense of your reactions. Thanks for reading!!!

Thursday, July 14, 2011

Prologue Pt. 1

Aarkleon's twin swords flashed through the air as he danced in the growing morning light, the blades of eldritch essence growing longer or shorter at his will. The daggers he held allowed him to transfer his innate magical energies into them producing blades of magnificent power that he had learned to control almost without thought. He trained every morning so that his eldritch powered blades would become extensions of himself, requiring no concentration to produce or alter, so that he would not be distracted from his foe. Aarkleon slashed and stabbed, twisting in the air, fighting an army of imaginary enemies. Sweat flew from his arms and hair, his movements so precise and yet to any onlooker they would have seemed random and unplanned. This was his D'Qashal, the fighting dance taught to every Alesyl warrior. Every person's different and yet all sharing the same grace, beauty and deadly accuracy...

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